
Wardialing is a technique used in ethical hacking to identify phone lines that are connected to modems or other data communication devices. The term "wardialing" comes from the movie WarGames, in which a character uses a computer to dial every phone number in a given area code in order to find a modem that he can use to hack into a military computer system.

In practice, wardialing involves using a computer or automated tool to dial a range of phone numbers and listen for a modem tone. When a modem tone is detected, it is an indication that a data communication device is connected to the phone line. Ethical hackers can then attempt to connect to the device and identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

While wardialing can be a useful technique for identifying vulnerable phone lines, it can also be illegal if carried out without the express permission of the organization being tested. In addition, wardialing can be time-consuming and may not always produce actionable results, as many organizations have moved away from using modems for data communication.

Overall, wardialing is a technique that can be used in ethical hacking to identify vulnerabilities in phone lines and data communication devices. However, it is important for ethical hackers to operate within legal and ethical guidelines when carrying out this type of testing.


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