
Showing posts with the label SELinux type enforcement

Tagged architectures and multi-level UNIX

Tagged architectures and multi-level UNIX Read Aloud Stop Reading Tagged architectures and multi-level UNIX Tagged architectures are a class of computer architectures where every memory access is checked to ensure that the access is authorized. The idea behind tagged architectures is to provide fine-grained access control to memory, which can help improve security. The UNIX operating system has been modified to work with tagged architectures to create multi-level UNIX, a system that provides strong security guarantees. Tagged architectures In a tagged architecture, each memory location has an associated tag that specifies the access privileges of the current process. When a process attempts to access a memory location, the tag is checked to ensure that the access is allowed. If the access is not allowed, an exception is raised and the process is terminated or otherwise handled according to a pre-defined policy. Tagged architectures can provide strong securi

Trap systems and policies they enable

Trap systems and policies they enable Read Aloud Stop Reading Trap systems are a type of mechanism used in computer systems to intercept events and take appropriate action. Traps can be implemented at various levels of a system, including the hardware, firmware, and software layers. In the context of security policies, trap systems are often used to enforce access control policies and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive resources. Kernel trap systems, in particular, are used to intercept system calls made by user-level processes and enforce policies related to access control, resource usage, and other security-related concerns. In this system, the kernel intercepts and examines the system call parameters to ensure that the requested operation is permitted based on the defined security policies. If the operation is permitted, the kernel performs the requested operation and returns control to the calling process. If the operation is not permitted, the kernel ret

Kernel hook systems and policies they enable

Kernel hook systems and policies they enable Read Aloud Stop Reading Kernel hook systems and policies they enable Kernel hook systems are mechanisms used to intercept and monitor kernel-level events and system calls. These hooks provide a means to add functionality to the operating system, such as security policies, intrusion detection, and performance monitoring. By intercepting these events, hook systems can also provide finer-grained control over system behavior, allowing administrators to customize the system to their specific needs. There are several types of hook systems, each with its own set of policies and capabilities. The following are some of the most common types of hook systems used in modern operating systems: System call hooks: These hooks intercept system calls made by user-level processes to the kernel. They can be used to monitor system activity and enforce policies, such as restricting access to sensitive resources or limiting system usa

SELinux type enforcement: design, implementation, and pragmatics

SELinux type enforcement: design, implementation, and pragmatics Read Aloud Stop Reading SELinux type enforcement: design, implementation, and pragmatics SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is a set of security extensions to the Linux kernel that provides mandatory access control (MAC) mechanisms to enforce fine-grained access control policies. One of the key features of SELinux is the Type Enforcement (TE) mechanism, which is designed to prevent unauthorized access to system resources by defining types for subjects (such as processes, users, and roles) and objects (such as files, directories, and sockets) and enforcing a set of rules governing the interactions between them. This essay will explore the design, implementation, and pragmatics of SELinux Type Enforcement. Design: The SELinux Type Enforcement mechanism is based on the concept of a security context, which is a set of labels that identify the type of a subject or an object and its associated attri