a review of OO implementation generics (C++ vtables, etc)
OO implementation generics in C++ vtables Read Aloud Stop Reading OO implementation generics in C++ vtables Object-oriented programming (OOP) has become an increasingly popular programming paradigm over the past few decades. One of the key features of OOP is the ability to create reusable code through the use of classes, objects, and inheritance. However, one of the challenges of using OOP is dealing with the implementation of generic types. Generics are a powerful feature that allows developers to write code that can work with any type, rather than being tied to a specific type. In this review, we will examine some of the ways that OO implementations handle generics, with a focus on C++ vtables. In C++, one way to implement generics is through the use of templates. Templates allow a single class or function to work with any type, as long as the operations performed on that type are valid. The compiler generates a separate copy of the code for each type used w...