
System.IO is a .NET namespace that provides a set of classes for working with input and output operations, including reading and writing files and streams, managing directories and file system paths, and performing other file and directory operations.

Some of the key classes in the System.IO namespace include:

File: Provides methods for creating, deleting, moving, copying, and reading files.
Directory: Provides methods for creating, deleting, and managing directories and their contents.
Path: Provides methods for manipulating file system paths and file names.
FileStream: Provides a stream for reading and writing files.
StreamReader and StreamWriter: Provide streams for reading and writing character data to and from files.
BinaryReader and BinaryWriter: Provide streams for reading and writing binary data to and from files.
These classes can be used to perform a wide variety of input and output operations in .NET applications, such as reading and writing text files, managing directories and file system paths, working with binary files, and more.

In addition to these basic file and stream classes, the System.IO namespace also includes a number of other utility classes and interfaces for working with input and output operations, such as FileSystemWatcher for monitoring file system changes, MemoryStream for working with in-memory streams, and more


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