
In C#, a namespace is a way to organize and group related types, such as classes, structs, and interfaces, in order to avoid naming conflicts and make it easier to manage and maintain your code.

A namespace declaration looks like this:
namespace MyNamespace
    // Types and members go here
In this example, we declare a namespace named MyNamespace. You can put any number of types and members inside the namespace, like this:
namespace MyNamespace
    class MyClass
        // Class members go here
    struct MyStruct
        // Struct members go here
    interface IMyInterface
        // Interface members go here
    enum MyEnum
        // Enum values go here

In this example, we put several different types and members inside the MyNamespace namespace, including a class, a struct, an interface, and an enum.

To use types and members from a namespace in your code, you typically include a using directive at the beginning of your file:

using MyNamespace;

// Use types and members from MyNamespace here

In this example, we include a using directive for the MyNamespace namespace, which allows us to use types and members from that namespace without having to fully qualify their names.

Using namespaces can help make your code more organized and easier to manage, especially for large projects with many types and members. They also help avoid naming conflicts between different parts of your code and external libraries.


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