
Evasion techniques are used by attackers to bypass security controls and avoid detection by security systems during a cyber attack. Evasion techniques are designed to exploit vulnerabilities in security systems or take advantage of weaknesses in the system's configuration to hide the attacker's actions.

Some common evasion techniques include:

  1. Fragmentation: Fragmentation is a technique where attackers break up their attack into smaller pieces to evade detection by intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS). Fragmentation works by splitting the attack into smaller packets that are sent over the network separately, so they may not be detected by IDPS.

  2. Encryption: Encryption is a technique where attackers encrypt their malicious traffic to avoid detection by network monitoring tools. This technique makes it difficult for security systems to detect the presence of the attacker's traffic on the network.

  3. Obfuscation: Obfuscation is a technique where attackers modify the code of their malware to make it difficult for antivirus software to detect. This can include adding junk code or using encryption to hide the actual code of the malware.

  4. Traffic Manipulation: Traffic manipulation involves modifying the network traffic of an attack to make it appear as legitimate traffic. This can include modifying the source IP address, port numbers, and other network protocols to avoid detection.

  5. Timing: Attackers may use timing techniques to avoid detection by security systems. For example, they may delay their attack until a specific time when the network is less active or when security systems are less likely to detect their activity.

Overall, evasion techniques are designed to make it difficult for security systems to detect and prevent attacks. To effectively defend against these techniques, security professionals must continuously monitor and analyze network traffic, update security systems to detect new threats, and use a combination of preventive and detective controls to protect against cyber attacks


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