
Delegates are a type in C# that allow you to define a method signature (return type and parameters) that can be used to reference any method that matches that signature. Delegates are similar to function pointers in C or C++, but they are type-safe and can be used in object-oriented programming.

Delegates are useful for defining callback methods or for passing a method as a parameter to another method. For example, you can use a delegate to define a callback method that is called when a button is clicked in a user interface. You can also use a delegate to pass a method as a parameter to a sorting algorithm or a filter method.

Here's an example of defining and using a delegate in C#.

public delegate void MyDelegate(string message);

public class MyClass
    public static void PrintMessage(string message)

    public static void Run(MyDelegate callback)
        callback("Hello, world!");

public static void Main()
    MyDelegate d = MyClass.PrintMessage;

In this example, we define a delegate type MyDelegate that takes a single string parameter and returns void. We then define a static method PrintMessage in the MyClass class that matches this signature, and a static method Run that takes a MyDelegate parameter and calls it with the string "Hello, world!".

In the Main method, we create a delegate d that references the PrintMessage method, and pass it to the Run method. When Run is called, it invokes the delegate with the message "Hello, world!", which causes the PrintMessage method to be called and output the message to the console. 

Delegates can also be used with lambda expressions, which allow you to define an anonymous method inline with your code. Here's an example of using a lambda expression with a delegate:

public static void Main()
    MyDelegate d = message => Console.WriteLine(message);

In this example, we define the delegate d using a lambda expression that takes a string parameter message and writes it to the console. When Run is called with this delegate, it will call the lambda expression and output "Hello, world!" to the console.


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