CLR stands for Common Language Runtime, which is a key component of the .NET Framework. It is responsible for managing the execution of .NET applications, providing a runtime environment for running code written in various programming languages, including C#, Visual Basic, and F#.

When a .NET application is compiled, the code is transformed into an intermediate language called Common Intermediate Language (CIL). The CLR then compiles this intermediate code into machine code that can be executed by the computer's processor. This process is known as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.

The CLR also provides other important features, such as memory management through garbage collection, type safety, exception handling, and security. It ensures that all .NET applications run in a safe and controlled environment, preventing malicious code from causing harm to the system.

In addition to the runtime environment, the CLR also provides a set of base class libraries that developers can use to create applications. These libraries include classes for working with strings, arrays, collections, file input and output, networking, and many other common tasks.

Overall, the CLR is a critical component of the .NET Framework, providing a powerful runtime environment that enables developers to create high-quality, reliable, and secure applications. 


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