C# windows forms for data control

C# Windows Forms provide a rich set of controls for data handling and manipulation. Here are some commonly used controls:

DataGridView: It is a powerful data control that displays data in a grid format. It allows you to add, edit, delete and sort data.

TextBox: It is used to display or enter single-line or multi-line text.

ComboBox: It is used to display a drop-down list of items. It allows you to select a single item from the list.

ListBox: It is used to display a list of items. It allows you to select one or more items from the list.

CheckedListBox: It is used to display a list of items with checkboxes. It allows you to select one or more items from the list.

RadioButton: It is used to display a single selection option.

CheckBox: It is used to display a boolean option.

DateTimePicker: It is used to display and select date and time values.

NumericUpDown: It is used to display a numeric value that can be incremented or decremented by the user.

MaskedTextBox: It is used to display and enter formatted text, such as phone numbers, social security numbers, etc.

BindingNavigator: It is used to navigate and edit data records.

BindingSource: It is used to connect to a data source and provide data to other controls.

TableLayoutPanel: It is used to arrange controls in a grid-like layout.

These controls can be used to build powerful and user-friendly data-driven applications. With the help of data binding, you can easily populate these controls with data from a data source and keep them in sync with the source


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