ADO.NET is a set of data access technologies that are part of the .NET Framework. It allows developers to interact with data from various data sources, such as databases, XML files, and other data sources. ADO.NET provides a unified way to access and manipulate data from these sources, and it includes a set of classes and components that make it easier for developers to create data-driven applications.

ADO.NET is composed of two main components: the DataSet and the Data Provider. The DataSet is an in-memory representation of data that can be populated from various data sources. It is a disconnected, cache-like representation of data that can be manipulated and queried using LINQ (Language Integrated Query). The Data Provider is a set of classes and components that provide connectivity to various data sources. Examples of Data Providers include the SQL Server Data Provider, OLE DB Data Provider, and ODBC Data Provider.

ADO.NET also includes other components such as the DataReader, which is a fast, forward-only cursor that is used to retrieve data from a data source, and the Command object, which represents a SQL statement or stored procedure that is executed against a data source.

One of the key features of ADO.NET is its ability to handle disconnected data. This means that once data is retrieved from a data source and stored in a DataSet, the connection to the data source can be closed, and the data can be manipulated and displayed offline. This can improve the performance of data-driven applications and reduce the load on the data source.

ADO.NET also supports transaction processing, which allows multiple database operations to be grouped together into a single transaction that is either committed or rolled back as a single unit. This ensures the integrity of the data and can improve the reliability of data-driven applications.

Overall, ADO.NET is a powerful and flexible data access technology that allows developers to create data-driven applications that can interact with various data sources. 


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