ADO.Net system

ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects for .NET) is a part of the .NET Framework used to work with data stored in databases, XML files, and other data sources. It provides a set of classes that allow developers to access and manipulate data from various data sources using a consistent and easy-to-use API. ADO.NET consists of two main parts:

Connected Data Access:
In this scenario, a connection to the database is established and maintained throughout the entire data retrieval process. The data is accessed through commands, which are executed against the database, and the results are returned in a data reader.

Disconnected Data Access:
In this scenario, the data is first retrieved from the database into a dataset or a data table, and the connection is then closed. The data can then be manipulated in the memory and later updated back to the database.

ADO.NET provides various classes to work with different types of databases, including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and others. The most important classes in ADO.NET include:

Connection: Used to establish a connection to the database.
Command: Used to execute SQL statements against the database.
DataReader: Used to read data from a database in a connected scenario.
DataSet: Used to store and manipulate data in a disconnected scenario.
DataTable: A part of the DataSet object that represents a single table of data.
DataAdapter: Used to move data between a database and a DataSet object.
DataBinding: Used to bind data from a data source to a control in a user interface, such as a DataGridView control.
ADO.NET also provides support for LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), which allows developers to use a SQL-like syntax to query data from various data sources, including databases, XML files, and in-memory collections


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