Advanced operating system

My Table

Unit 4

S No. Course Content:
1 OpenSolaris and Linux virtual memory and address space structures
2 Tying top-down and bottom-up object and memory page lookups with the actual x86 page translation and segmentation
3 How file operations, I/O buffering, and swapping all converged to using the same mechanism
4 Kmem and Vmem allocators
5 OO approach to memory allocation
6 Challenges of multiple CPUs and memory hierarchy
7 Security: integrity
8 Isolation
9 Mediation
10 Auditing
11 From MULTICS and MLS to modern UNIX
12 SELinux type enforcement: design, implementation, and pragmatics
13 Kernel hook systems and policies they enable
14 Trap systems and policies they enable
15 Tagged architectures and multi-level UNIX


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